Stay Up to Date on Upcoming Live Music in Boone
(Ever changing and adding shows, this calendar does not reflect all live music in Boone)
BooneLive is working towards documenting an increasing variety of live music in Boone town. In the mean time, check out some of the following shows coming up in the down town areas of Boone, North Carolina. Don’t forget to share these live music musings with your friends on the Facebooks and the smartphone things and the sexting and the twitters and the new my spaces! DO it! Support local bands, local venues, local shops, and live music in Boone!

Two-time BooneLive alumni LANTERN are coming back for a third strike. You may remember how their last visit erupted into sheer chaos. God only knows what they’ll do to our town this time around.
“Risen in the form of neon fume from Philadelphia side-street sewer lids come LANTERN. Orbiting around the songwriter duo of Zachary Devereux Fairbrother and Emily Robb (with the auxiliary addition of Montreal-import Christian Simmons on skins, also of Sheer Agony), Lantern is what rock ‘n’ roll was – loud, oozy, inspiring, perspiring, pummeling directly forward yet cloaked in the arcane.”
$5 :: 10:00 pm :: 18+
cheap beer!
AND CANNED FOOD DRIVE! For the benefit of the Watauga Hunger and Health Coalition.
Last year’s BHCS generated, literally, an entire truck bed filled with non-perishable food items, and close to $300 for the Hunger and Health Coalition. This fall…It’s back! Get your friends together, dress up in the skins of your favorite band, practice practice practice and play your favorite unoriginals to benefit the Hunger Coalition.
Here are some preliminary details:
Bring at least 3 canned goods to contribute, or $5 to get through the door. Dress up! (but don’t sling fake blood everywhere, be more creative than that). Bring your friends and have a blast because Halloween is the best holiday ever.
The Cramps
Joy Division
& more TBA – contact Devon Tuttle for submissions
All kinds of details are yet to be exhumed, stay tuned!